Vicki Birchfield
Professor and Co-Director for the Center for European and Transatlantic Studies
- Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
- Center for European and Transatlantic Studies
- Development Studies Program
Vicki L. Birchfield is a Professor in The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Tech, Co-Director of the Center for European and Transatlantic Studies and Director of the study abroad program on the European Union and Transatlantic Relations. Dr. Birchfield received a DES from the Graduate Institute of International Studies from the University of Geneva, Switzerland (1993) and a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Georgia (2000). She is the author of Income Inequality in Capitalist Democracies: The Interplay of Values and Institutions(Penn State University Press 2008), Triangular Diplomacy among the United States, The European Union, and The Russian Federation: Responses to the Crisis in Ukraine (Palgrave Macmillan 2017) co-edited with Alsadair Young, Reporting at the Southern Borders: Journalism and Public Debates in the US and the EU co-edited with Giovanna Dell'Orto (Routledge 2014) and Toward a Common EU Energy Policy: Problems, Progress, and Prospects(Palgrave Macmillan 2011) co-edited with John S. Duffield. She has published articles in International Studies Quarterly, European Journal of Political Research, the Review of International Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Globalizations, and the Review of International Political Economy. Her research and teaching specializations are European politics, the European Union, comparative politics, and international political economy. Other research and intellectual interests include the interplay of capitalism and democracy, social movements and the politics of globalization, and transatlantic relations. She has been a visiting scholar at Sciences Po, Paris and the University of Bordeaux and in 2012 was bestowed the honor of “Chevalier dans l’Ordre National du Mérite” (Knight in the National Order of Merit) by the French government.
- Climate Change Mitigation
- Communication
- Comparative Politics: Regional Studies
- Cultural and Ethical Awareness
- Energy, Climate and Environmental Policy
- Global Cities and Urban Society
- Global Energy Security
- Globalization: Political Economy and Governance
- Literary and Cultural Studies
- Regulations and Standards
- Europe
- North America
- Environment
- Inequality and Social Justice
- Citizenship Studies
- European Union Studies
- Globalization and Localization
- Political Economy
- Politics
- INTA-1200: American Government
- INTA-2030: Ethics in Int'l Affairs
- INTA-2220: Govt& Pol-Western Europe
- INTA-2221: Politics of the EU
- INTA-2698: Research Assistantship
- INTA-3050: Global Citizenship
- INTA-3223: Transatlantic Relations
- INTA-3321: Pol Econ-Europe Integrat
- INTA-4121: Sem Europe-Euro Security
- INTA-4230: Sem in Europe-Euro Union
- INTA-4500: INTA Pro-Seminar
- INTA-4699: Undergraduate Research
- INTA-4803: Special Topics
- INTA-6121: Sem in Europe: Euro Sec
- INTA-6202: Comparative Politics
- INTA-6302: Intl Political Economy
- INTA-6320: Sem in Europe-Euro Union
- INTA-8803: Special Topics
- INTA-8813: Special Topics
- INTA-8833: Special Topics
Recent Publications
Journal Articles
- Coercion with Kid Gloves? The European Union's role in shaping a global regulatory framework for aircraft emissions
Date: 2015
- Negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership:Comparing US and EU Motivations, Oppositions and Public Opinion
Date: 2015
- Income Inequality in Advanced Democracies
In: Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2014
- A normative power Europe framework of transnational policy formation
Date: June 2013
All Publications
- Triangular Diplomacy among the European Union, the United States and the Russian Federation: Responses to Crisis in Ukraine
Date: 2017
- Reporting at the Southern Borders: Journalism and Public Debates on Immigration in the US and EU,
Date: 2013
- Towards a Common EU Energy Policy
Date: 2011
- Income Inequality in Capitalist Democracies: The Interplay of Values and Institutions
Date: 2008
Journal Articles
- Coercion with Kid Gloves? The European Union's role in shaping a global regulatory framework for aircraft emissions
Date: 2015
- Negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership:Comparing US and EU Motivations, Oppositions and Public Opinion
Date: 2015
- Income Inequality in Advanced Democracies
In: Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2014
- A normative power Europe framework of transnational policy formation
Date: June 2013
- A Normative Power Europe Framework of Transnational Policy Formation
In: Journal of European Public Policy [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2013
- Economic Development, Income Inequality, and Preferences for Redistribution1
Date: June 2010
- Income Inequality and Popular Support for Redistribution: A Cross-Regional and Global Perspective
In: International Studies Quarterly [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2010
- ATTAC: A Transnational Social Movement
In: International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protests [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2009
- Voting radical right in Western Europe
Date: November 2006
- La montée et l’influence politique de la droite religieuse conservatrice aux États-Unis: libérté d’expression ou menace à la démocratie?”
In: Politéia [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2006
- José Bové and the Globalization Counter-movement in France and Beyond: A Polanyian Perspective
In: Review of International Studies [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2005
- Constructing Opposition in the Age of Globalization: The Potential of ATTAC
In: Globalizations [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2004
- Contesting the Hegemony of Market Ideology: Gramsci’s Good Sense and Polanyi’s Double Movement
In: ” Review of International Political Economy [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1999
- The Impact of Constitutional Structures and Collective and Competitive Veto Points on Income Inequality in Industrialized Democracies
In: European Journal of Political Research [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1998
- Covering the Southern Borders: Journalistic Practices, News Frames and Public Debate over Immigration in the United States and the European Union,
Date: 2013
- Covering the Southern Borders: Journalistic Practices, News Frames and Public Debate over Immigration in the United States and the European Union,
Date: 2013
- Understanding Border Journalism and Its Sociopolitical Impact”
Date: 2013
- Understanding Border Journalism and Its Sociopolitical Impact”
Date: 2013
- “La contestation de l’hégémonie de l’idéologie du marché : le « bon sens » de Gramsci et le « double mouvement
Date: 2013
- Taking Stock of EU Energy Policy: Problems, Progress and Prospects
Date: 2011
- The EU's Development Policy: Empirical Evidence of Normative Power Europe?”
Date: 2011
- The Recent Upheaval in EU Energy Policy
Date: 2011
- The Recent Upheaval in EU Energy Policy
Date: 2011
- The Role of EU Institutions in Energy Policy Formation
Date: 2011
- Dueling Imperialism or Principled Policies: A Comparative Analysis of EU and US Approaches to Trade and Development
Date: 2008
- Organic Intellectuals and Counter-hegemonic Politics in the Age of Globalisation
Date: 2005
- Global Economics and Local Politics: Lijphart’s Theory of Consensus Democracy and the Politics of Inclusion
Date: 2000
Working Papers
- Institutionalized Power and Anti-Establishment Politics in France
- Political Economy as Applied Democratic Theory: A Framework for Understanding Income Inequality”
- The Discursive Politics of Immigration in Europe and the United States -Book Manuscript
- The Influence of Outsiders in EU Competition Policy: The UPS-Deutsche Poste Case
- The Transatlantic Values Debate and the Quest for Global Leadership -Book Manuscript
- Transatlantic Rivalries and the Airbus-Boeing Dispute”