Philip Fei-Ling Wang
- Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
- Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy
Philip Fei-Ling Wang, Ph.D. (University of Pennsylvania), professor at Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology ( His research interests are comparative and international political economy, U.S.-East Asian relations, and East Asia and China studies. He has published eight books (two co-edited) in two languages, including Organization through Division and Exclusion: China's Hukou System (Stanford University Press. 2005), "The China Trilogy" -- The China Order: Centralia, World Empire, and the Nature of Chinese Power (2017), The China Record: An Assessment of the People's Republic (2023), and The China Race: The Global Competition for the World Order (2024) -- all by State University of New York (SUNY) Press. The China Trilogy has been published in both Traditional and Simplified Chinese. He has also published dozens of book chapters and journal articles in four languages.
He taught at the U.S. Military Academy (West Point) and U.S. Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs), and held visiting and adjunct/honorary positions in institutions like European University Institute in Italy, Sciences Po in France, National Sun Yat-sen University and National Taiwan University in Taiwan, National University of Singapore, Renmin University and Anhui Normal University in China, University of Macau, University of London, University of Tokyo, and Sungkyunkwan University and Yonsei University in Korea. He has guest-lectured in over 50 universities worldwide and appeared in many national and international news media such as Al Jazeera, AFP, AP, BBC, CNN, The Financial Times, The New York Times, Radio China International, South China Morning Post, VOA, The Wall Street Journal, and the Xinhua News Agency. He has had numerous research grants including a Minerva Chair grant, a Fulbright Senior Scholar grant and a Hitachi Fellowship. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
- Comparative Politics: Regional Studies
- Globalization: Political Economy and Governance
- International Security Policy
- Regional Security Challenges
- Science, Technology, and International Policy
- Asia (East)
- United States
- International Development
- Regional Development
- Weapons and Security
- Foreign Policy
- Globalization and Localization
- Governance
- History more generally
- International Trade and Investment
- Modernity
- Politics
- Strategy
- INTA-1050: The World Today
- INTA-1110: Intro to Int'l Relations
- INTA-1200: American Government
- INTA-3130: Foreign Policy of China
- INTA-3230: Gov't & Politics-China
- INTA-3301: Int'l Political Econ
- INTA-3330: Political Economy-China
- INTA-4050: Int'l Affair&Tech Policy
- INTA-4331: Chinese Politics
- INTA-4332: Chinese Institutions
- INTA-4740: Sem-Political Economy
- INTA-4803: Special Topics
- INTA-6131: Pacific Security Issues
- INTA-6302: Intl Political Economy
- INTA-6331: Chinese Political Econ
- INTA-6753: Comp Science&Tech Policy
- INTA-8803: Special Topics
Selected Publications
- The China Race: The Global Competition for the World Order
Date: March 2024
- 中國記錄:評估中華人民共和國
Date: April 2023
- The China Record: An Assessment of the People's Republic
Date: March 2023
- 中华秩序:中原、世界帝国与中国力量的本质 (The China Order: Centralia, World Empire, and the Nature of Chinese Power)
Date: February 2019
- 中華秩序:中原、世界帝國與中國力量的本質 (The China Order: Centralia, World Empire, and the Nature of Chinese Power)
Date: November 2018
- The China Order: Centralia, World Empire, and the Nature of Chinese Power
Date: September 2017
- 走进西点军校 Zoujin xidian junxiao, (U.S. Military Academy at West Point)
Date: 2006
- Organization through Division and Exclusion: China's Hukou (Household Registration)System
Date: 2005
- From Family to Market: Labor Allocation in Contemporary China
Date: March 1998
- Institutions and Institutional Change in China: Premodernity and Modernization,
Date: 1998
- Tacit Acceptance and Watchful Eyes: Beijing's Views about the US-ROK Alliance
Date: 1997
Book - Editors
- China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy
Date: 2005
- In the Eyes of the Dragon: China Views the World
Date: 1999
Journal Articles
- China and the Prospects of Denuclearization of North Korea
In: Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, Seoul, Korea [Peer Reviewed]
Date: November 2018
- Beyond National Innovation Systems: Incentives, Politics, Culture, and China's Innovation Performance
In: Journal of Contemporary China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: March 2017
- Zhongguo de hukou zhidu jiqi biange (中国的户口制度及其变革 China’s Hukou system and its evolution
In: 中国治理评论 (China Governance Review) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: October 2014
- China in Africa: presence, perceptions and prospects
In: Journal of Contemporary China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2014
© 2014 Taylor & Francis.This article reports and analyzes China's presence in Africa with an emphasis on how that has been perceived by the Africans. Based on the findings from surveys and field research conducted in eight sub-Saharan African countries and interviews with scholars and practitioners from other African countries as well as Chinese and Americans in Africa, we outline the diverse, complicated and evolving African perceptions about China's explosive presence in general and the booming Chinese business activities in particular that now range from love to suspicion. Our findings about how China is perceived in Africa suggest that Beijing has acquired substantial goodwill in Africa yet is developing deep issues and facing uncertain challenges and growing obstacles. - China’s Grand Experiments
In: The Diplomat
Date: December 2011
- Stuck in Panic Mode
In: The New York Times
Date: February 2011
- Book Review: The End of the Revolution: China and the Limits of Modernity, by Wang Hui
In: Journal of Asian Studies
Date: November 2010
- China’s Anti-Encirclement Struggle: the U.S., India, and Japan
In: Asian Security [Peer Reviewed]
Date: October 2010
- Institutions, Modernity, and Modernization
In: ProtoSociology: an international journal of interdisciplinary research [Peer Reviewed]
Date: November 2009
- 给我们选票吧 (Give us the ballot)
In: China Elections
Date: January 2009
- 中國戶口制度的轉型 (China’s Hukou system in reform)
In: 二十一世紀 (The 21st Century) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: October 2008
- After the Beijing Games: What We Learned?
In: International Herald Tribune
Date: September 2008
- Taiwan: Catalyst for Change in China
In: Christian Science Monitor
Date: September 2006
- Heading Off Fears of a Resurgent China
In: International Herald Tribune
Date: April 2006
- Brewing Tensions while Maintaining Stabilities: The Dual Role of the Hukou System inContemporary China
In: Asian Perspective [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2006
- East Asia: An Ideal Community
In: International Herald Tribune
Date: November 2005
- Preservation, prosperity and power: What motivates China's foreign policy?
In: Journal of Contemporary China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: November 2005
This article describes the motives behind the making of the current status-quo and risk-averse Chinese foreign policy. It identifies a three-P incentive structure that is based on the political preservation of the CCP regime, China's economic prosperity, and Beijing's pursuit of power and prestige. These three motives are stable and overlapping, featuring Taiwan and the relationship with the United States as the key issues. Beijing is expected to be motivated by these peculiar motives over the next two decades; but new internal and external developments may greatly change these motives and generate new impetus for China's foreign policy. Although the official line in Beijing is still the mild 'peaceful development', after a fling with the more majestic idea of 'peaceful rise', the rise of nationalist emotions and demands in the PRC continues. © 2005 Taylor & Francis. - Make up with Japan
In: International Herald Tribune
Date: August 2005
- Lots of wealth, lots of people, lots of flaws: China rising
In: International Herald Tribune
Date: July 2005
- Chinese Policy towards the Korean Peninsula: Stability First, Possible Trade-offsLater
In: Pacific Focus
Date: April 2005
- Reformed migration control and new targeted people: China's Hukou system in the 2000s
In: China Quarterly [Peer Reviewed]
Date: March 2004
This article outlines the latest reforms of China's hukou system in 1997-2002 and reports the system's functional changes and continuities. Today's hukou system still performs two leading functions: the widely discussed internal migration control with reformed mechanisms and the previously scarcely examined socio-political management of the targeted people (zhongdian renkou). An adapted and adjusted hukou system is expected to continue as a key component of China's institutional framework, playing a crucial role to determine socio-political stability, facilitate a rapid but uneven economic growth, and shape socio-economic stratification and spatial inequality in the PRC. © The China Quarterly, 2004. - 中国长治久安与民主化的最佳途径:党内民主与党内派别的合法化 (The best way to achieve long and peaceful governance and democratization in China: inner-party democracy and the legitimization of the factions inside the party)
In: China Elections and Governance, Beijing
Date: June 2003
- 美国世纪有多长? (How long will the American Era be?).
In: 环球时报 (Global Times), Beijing
Date: January 2003
- 中华悲剧:海峡两岸即将到来的民族主义大冲突 (Grand Chinese tragedy: thecoming clash of nationalisms in the Taiwan Strait)
In: 战略与管理(Journal of Strategy and Management)
Date: August 2000
- 從主權之爭道治權協調:解決台灣問題的一個新思維 (From disputes over sovereignty to coordination of administration: a new thinking on the solution of the Taiwan issue
In: Asian Review [Peer Reviewed]
Date: June 1999
- Joining the Major Powers for the Status Quo: China's Views and Policy on KoreanReunification"
In: Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1999
- To Incorporate China--A New China Policy for a New Era
In: The Washington Quarterly [Peer Reviewed]
Date: January 1998
- Floaters, Moonlighters, and the Underemployed: A National Labor Market with ChineseCharacteristics
In: The Journal of Contemporary China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1998
- 国际政治秩序与国际关系理论:关于国际无政府状态的作用的一个思辨 (International political order and theories of international relations: a conceptual discourse on the functions of international political anarchy
In: 中國社會科學季刊 (Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: May 1997
- 遏制,交往還是接納?(Containment, engagement, or incorporation)
In: World Journal (世界日報) New York
Date: March 1997
- Changing Views: Chinese Perception of the United States-South Korea Alliance
In: Problems of Post-Communism (formerly Problems of Communism) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: July 1996
- 名實分離論:解決台海衝突的模糊邏輯 (To divorce the name from the fact: a fuzzy logic for the solution of the Taiwan conflict)
In: 明報月刊 (MingPo Monthly), Hong Kong
Date: April 1996
- 冷战以后中国的东亚安全政策简析 (An analysis on Chinese security policy in the post-Cold War East Asia)
In: 中國社會科學季刊 (Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: May 1995
- Four Cheers for International Political Anarchy
In: Journal of Chinese Political Science [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1995
- China: An Arduous Journey to Democracy
In: Daily Pennsylvanian, Philadelphia
Date: June 1989
- 中国纺织出口行业问题报告 - 王飞凌 陶坚 (An investigation on problems in the Chinese textile exporting business)
In: 国际关系学院学报 (Journal of Institute of International Relations) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: May 1984
- Beyond National Innovation Systems: Incentives, Politics, Culture, and China's Innovation Performance
In: Journal of Contemporary China [Peer Reviewed]
- China grapples with strategic implications of TPP
In: Asian Review
- Between the Bomb and the United States: China Faces the Nuclear North Korea
In: The North Korean Nuclear Challenge: How the bomb would influence North Korea and the region [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2017
- China in Africa: presence, perceptions, and prospects,
In: China in Africa: Strategic Motives and Economic Interests [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2015
- From Tianxia to Westphalia: The Evolving Chinese Conception of Sovereignty and World Order
In: America, China, and the Struggle for World Order: Ideas, Traditions, Historical Legacies, and Global Visions [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2015
- Resisting, Reducing, and Replacing: China’s Strategy and Policy towards the United States
In: China's Domestic Politics and Foreign Policies, and Major Countries’ Strategies on China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: December 2012
- Reformed Migration Control and New Targeted People
In: Contemporary China Studies [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2011
- Renovating the Great Floodgate: The Reform of China's Hukou System
In: One Country, Two Societies: Rural-Urban Inequality in Contemporary China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2010
- Stratification and Institutional Exclusion in China and India: AdministrativeIdentification versus Social Barriers
In: Grass-roots Democracy in India and China: The Right to Participate [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2007
- Beijing's Incentive Structure: The Pursuit of Preservation, Prosperity, and Power
In: China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2005
- Introduction: The Making of China’s Foreign Policy
In: China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2005
- Introduction: Toward an Understanding of China's Worldview
In: China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy [Peer Reviewed]
Date: February 1999
- Self Image and Strategic Intentions: National Confidence and Political Insecurity
In: China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy [Peer Reviewed]
Date: February 1999
- Chinese Security Policy in Northeast Asia
In: The Major Powers of Northeast Asia: Seeking Peace and Security [Peer Reviewed]
Date: July 1996
Other Publications
- The China Dream: A Rejoinder
In: The Asan Forum
Date: September 2013
All Publications
- The China Race: The Global Competition for the World Order
Date: March 2024
- 中國記錄:評估中華人民共和國
Date: April 2023
- The China Record: An Assessment of the People's Republic
Date: March 2023
- 中华秩序:中原、世界帝国与中国力量的本质 (The China Order: Centralia, World Empire, and the Nature of Chinese Power)
Date: February 2019
- 中華秩序:中原、世界帝國與中國力量的本質 (The China Order: Centralia, World Empire, and the Nature of Chinese Power)
Date: November 2018
- The China Order: Centralia, World Empire, and the Nature of Chinese Power
Date: September 2017
- 走进西点军校 Zoujin xidian junxiao, (U.S. Military Academy at West Point)
Date: 2006
- Organization through Division and Exclusion: China's Hukou (Household Registration)System
Date: 2005
- Nominal Reunification versus Democracy Card:Towards an Ending of the Bijing-Taipei Dispute
Date: 2000
- From Family to Market: Labor Allocation in Contemporary China
Date: March 1998
- Institutions and Institutional Change in China: Premodernity and Modernization,
Date: 1998
- Tacit Acceptance and Watchful Eyes: Beijing's Views about the US-ROK Alliance
Date: 1997
Book - Editors
- China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy
Date: 2005
- In the Eyes of the Dragon: China Views the World
Date: 1999
Journal Articles
- Book Review: The Invention of China, by Bill Hayton
In: The China Journal
Date: November 2022
- Russia, China, and the United States
In: FPRC (Quarterly research journal devoted to studies on Indian Foreign Policy), No. 49
Date: March 2022
- Taiwan and the U.S.-China relations
In: FPRC (Quarterly research journal devoted to studies on Indian Foreign Policy), No. 48
Date: December 2021
- Recent Reform of China’s Hukou System
In: Sunday Briefing
Date: 2021
- 70 Years of India –China Diplomatic Relations
In: FPRC Journal - New Delhi, India
Date: October 2020
- The China Complex
In: China Current
Date: May 2020
- The China Order: A Challenge for the U.S. and the World
In: The Cipher Brief
Date: November 2019
- China’s Push for Megacities: Bigger is Better?
In: Focus - London, UK
Date: May 2019
- Inter-firm Trust between Emerging Markets: Chinese Firms in Africa
In: Journal of Macromarketing [Peer Reviewed]
Date: April 2019
- China and the Prospects of Denuclearization of North Korea
In: Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, Seoul, Korea [Peer Reviewed]
Date: November 2018
- The China Order: A Major Choice for the World
In: FPRC - New Delhi, India
Date: October 2018
- The Rise of China: A Major Choice for the World
In: China Current
Date: January 2018
- Book Review: China’s Asian Dream: Empire Building along the Silk Road, by Tom Miller
In: The China Journal
Date: 2018
- Book Review: Uneasy Partnerships: China’s Engagement with Japan, the Koreas, and Russia in the Era of Reform ed. by Thomas Fingar
In: Pacific Affairs
Date: 2018
- Beyond National Innovation Systems: Incentives, Politics, Culture, and China's Innovation Performance
In: Journal of Contemporary China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: March 2017
- Book Review: Community Capitalism in China: The State, the Market, and Collectivism, by Xiaoshuo Hou
In: Journal of Asian Studies
Date: May 2016
- Book Review: China and Taiwan, by Steven M. Goldstein
In: The China Journal
Date: 2016
- China grapples with strategic implications of TPP
In: NIKKEI Asian Review, Tokyo, Japan
Date: November 2015
- Zhongguo de hukou zhidu jiqi biange (中国的户口制度及其变革 China’s Hukou system and its evolution
In: 中国治理评论 (China Governance Review) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: October 2014
- China in Africa: presence, perceptions and prospects
In: Journal of Contemporary China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2014
© 2014 Taylor & Francis.This article reports and analyzes China's presence in Africa with an emphasis on how that has been perceived by the Africans. Based on the findings from surveys and field research conducted in eight sub-Saharan African countries and interviews with scholars and practitioners from other African countries as well as Chinese and Americans in Africa, we outline the diverse, complicated and evolving African perceptions about China's explosive presence in general and the booming Chinese business activities in particular that now range from love to suspicion. Our findings about how China is perceived in Africa suggest that Beijing has acquired substantial goodwill in Africa yet is developing deep issues and facing uncertain challenges and growing obstacles. - China’s Grand Experiments
In: The Diplomat
Date: December 2011
- A Success Tough to Duplicate: the Chinese Hukou System
In: Fair Observer
Date: October 2011
- Stuck in Panic Mode
In: The New York Times
Date: February 2011
- Status Quo Being Reassessed: China’s Persistent But Shifting Views On Korean Unification
In: International Journal of Korean Unification Studies [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2011
- Book Review: The End of the Revolution: China and the Limits of Modernity, by Wang Hui
In: Journal of Asian Studies
Date: November 2010
- China’s Anti-Encirclement Struggle: the U.S., India, and Japan
In: Asian Security [Peer Reviewed]
Date: October 2010
- Institutions, Modernity, and Modernization
In: ProtoSociology: an international journal of interdisciplinary research [Peer Reviewed]
Date: November 2009
- Review Essay: To Assess the Rise of China
In: Asia Policy - NBR
Date: July 2009
- 给我们选票吧 (Give us the ballot)
In: China Elections
Date: January 2009
- 中美关系:动态稳定中的新变数 (Sino-American relations: new factors in a dynamic stability)
In: 文化纵横 (Cultural horizon), Beijing
Date: December 2008
- 中國戶口制度的轉型 (China’s Hukou system in reform)
In: 二十一世紀 (The 21st Century) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: October 2008
- After the Beijing Games: What We Learned?
In: International Herald Tribune
Date: September 2008
- A Regional Play of the Global Game: China's Korea Policy and the Sino-American
In: International Journal of Korean Unification Studies [Peer Reviewed]
Date: December 2006
- Taiwan: Catalyst for Change in China
In: Christian Science Monitor
Date: September 2006
- Heading Off Fears of a Resurgent China
In: International Herald Tribune
Date: April 2006
- Brewing Tensions while Maintaining Stabilities: The Dual Role of the Hukou System inContemporary China
In: Asian Perspective [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2006
- East Asia: An Ideal Community
In: International Herald Tribune
Date: November 2005
- Preservation, prosperity and power: What motivates China's foreign policy?
In: Journal of Contemporary China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: November 2005
This article describes the motives behind the making of the current status-quo and risk-averse Chinese foreign policy. It identifies a three-P incentive structure that is based on the political preservation of the CCP regime, China's economic prosperity, and Beijing's pursuit of power and prestige. These three motives are stable and overlapping, featuring Taiwan and the relationship with the United States as the key issues. Beijing is expected to be motivated by these peculiar motives over the next two decades; but new internal and external developments may greatly change these motives and generate new impetus for China's foreign policy. Although the official line in Beijing is still the mild 'peaceful development', after a fling with the more majestic idea of 'peaceful rise', the rise of nationalist emotions and demands in the PRC continues. © 2005 Taylor & Francis. - Make up with Japan
In: International Herald Tribune
Date: August 2005
- Lots of wealth, lots of people, lots of flaws: China rising
In: International Herald Tribune
Date: July 2005
- 培养有道德的领导人 (To educate leaders with morals)
In: 商学院 (Business school), Beijing
Date: July 2005
- Chinese Policy towards the Korean Peninsula: Stability First, Possible Trade-offsLater
In: Pacific Focus
Date: April 2005
- Les Relations Sino-Americanies (Sino-American Relations: Stability with Uncertainties)
In: Diplomatie (Diplomacy), Paris, France
Date: June 2004
- Chinese and American Currencies: Pegging for Stability
In: Aspenia,
Date: May 2004
- 台灣大選加劇“中華悲劇" (Taiwan's general election exacerbates the "national tragedy"),
In: 鳳凰週刊 (Phoenix weekly), Hong Kong
Date: April 2004
- Reformed migration control and new targeted people: China's Hukou system in the 2000s
In: China Quarterly [Peer Reviewed]
Date: March 2004
This article outlines the latest reforms of China's hukou system in 1997-2002 and reports the system's functional changes and continuities. Today's hukou system still performs two leading functions: the widely discussed internal migration control with reformed mechanisms and the previously scarcely examined socio-political management of the targeted people (zhongdian renkou). An adapted and adjusted hukou system is expected to continue as a key component of China's institutional framework, playing a crucial role to determine socio-political stability, facilitate a rapid but uneven economic growth, and shape socio-economic stratification and spatial inequality in the PRC. © The China Quarterly, 2004. - La moneta chinese vive bene col dollaro (On the peg between Chinese currency and the U.S. dollar),
In: Aspenia
Date: December 2003
- 中国长治久安与民主化的最佳途径:党内民主与党内派别的合法化 (The best way to achieve long and peaceful governance and democratization in China: inner-party democracy and the legitimization of the factions inside the party)
In: China Elections and Governance, Beijing
Date: June 2003
- 美国世纪有多长? (How long will the American Era be?).
In: 环球时报 (Global Times), Beijing
Date: January 2003
- 中华悲剧:海峡两岸即将到来的民族主义大冲突 (Grand Chinese tragedy: thecoming clash of nationalisms in the Taiwan Strait)
In: 战略与管理(Journal of Strategy and Management)
Date: August 2000
- 中華大悲劇:海峽兩岸的民族主義大衝突正在日益臨近(Grand Chinese tragedy: the coming clash of nationalisms in the Taiwan Strait)
In: 亞洲週刊 (Asian Weekly), Hong Kong
Date: May 2000
- 阻止悲劇: 化海峽兩岸的民族主義衝突為中華新興合力 (Stop the tragedy: To turn the clash of nationalism into forces of China's take-off)
In: World Journal (世界日報),New York
Date: April 2000
- 用美式逻辑来应付美国:中国的对策 (Learn to use the American logic in dealings with the US: On China's foreign policy)
In: 环球时报 (Global Times), Beijing
Date: August 1999
- 外交家的务实与远见 (Pragmatism and insights of a diplomat)
In: 联合早报 (United Daily), Singapore,
Date: July 1999
- 從主權之爭道治權協調:解決台灣問題的一個新思維 (From disputes over sovereignty to coordination of administration: a new thinking on the solution of the Taiwan issue
In: Asian Review [Peer Reviewed]
Date: June 1999
- Joining the Major Powers for the Status Quo: China's Views and Policy on KoreanReunification"
In: Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1999
- 市场化的代价谁来付?浅析中国的国企改革 (Who will pay for the marketization?--On the reform of the state-owned enterprises in China)
In: 华人 (The Chinese), Hong Kong
Date: March 1998
- To Incorporate China--A New China Policy for a New Era
In: The Washington Quarterly [Peer Reviewed]
Date: January 1998
- China and Korean Unification: A Policy of Status Quo
In: Korea and World Affairs [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1998
- Floaters, Moonlighters, and the Underemployed: A National Labor Market with ChineseCharacteristics
In: The Journal of Contemporary China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1998
- 国际政治秩序与国际关系理论:关于国际无政府状态的作用的一个思辨 (International political order and theories of international relations: a conceptual discourse on the functions of international political anarchy
In: 中國社會科學季刊 (Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: May 1997
- 遏制,交往還是接納?(Containment, engagement, or incorporation)
In: World Journal (世界日報) New York
Date: March 1997
- Changing Views: Chinese Perception of the United States-South Korea Alliance
In: Problems of Post-Communism (formerly Problems of Communism) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: July 1996
- 名實分離論:解決台海衝突的模糊邏輯 (To divorce the name from the fact: a fuzzy logic for the solution of the Taiwan conflict)
In: 明報月刊 (MingPo Monthly), Hong Kong
Date: April 1996
- 美國與台海局勢 (The United States and the situation in the Taiwan Straits)
In: 明報月刊 (Ming Daily), Hong Kong
Date: March 1996
- 台海兩岸的冷戰與熱戰 (The Cold War and hot war across the Taiwan striate)
In: 亞洲週刊 (Asian Weekly), Hong Kong
Date: August 1995
- 簡析美國軍事干預台海戰事的可能性 (On the possibility of an American military involvement in a possible Mainland-Taiwan war)
In: 明報月刊 (MingPo Monthly), Hong Kong
Date: August 1995
- To Distort the Market: The Role of Society in Chinese Modernization
In: Chinese Journal of Political Science [Peer Reviewed]
Date: May 1995
- 冷战以后中国的东亚安全政策简析 (An analysis on Chinese security policy in the post-Cold War East Asia)
In: 中國社會科學季刊 (Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: May 1995
- Four Cheers for International Political Anarchy
In: Journal of Chinese Political Science [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1995
- International Market and Domestic Changes: the Case of China
In: In Depth
Date: December 1994
- China: An Arduous Journey to Democracy
In: Daily Pennsylvanian, Philadelphia
Date: June 1989
- 美国的空间计划 (Space development programs in the U.S.)
In: 万象 (Panorama), Beijing
Date: September 1985
- 美国的非燃料矿物问题及其经济意义与影响 (Non-fuel minerals problem in the United States and its economic significance and impact
In: 世界经济 (World Economy) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: August 1985
- 技术与就业 (Technology and employment)
In: 国际经济 ( International Economy), Beijing
Date: 1985
- 中国纺织出口行业问题报告 - 王飞凌 陶坚 (An investigation on problems in the Chinese textile exporting business)
In: 国际关系学院学报 (Journal of Institute of International Relations) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: May 1984
- Beyond National Innovation Systems: Incentives, Politics, Culture, and China's Innovation Performance
In: Journal of Contemporary China [Peer Reviewed]
- China grapples with strategic implications of TPP
In: Asian Review
Journal - Editors
- Two Special Issues Collecting China's SARS-Related Documents
In: Chinese Law and Government
Date: 2004
- Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk: China and the Effort to Denuclearize North Korea
In: Strategy and Negotiations for Denuclearizing North Korea: Was There Ever a Window of Opportunity? [Peer Reviewed]
Date: February 2023
- Between the Bomb and the United States: China Faces the Nuclear North Korea
In: The North Korean Nuclear Challenge: How the bomb would influence North Korea and the region [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2017
- The Hukou (Household Registration) System
In: Oxford Bibliography in Chinese Studies [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2017
- China in Africa: presence, perceptions, and prospects,
In: China in Africa: Strategic Motives and Economic Interests [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2015
- China’s Four-R Strategy toward the United States: Resisting, Reducing, Replacing and Reordering
In: Studies on China, in the series of Country-specific Studies, New Delhi, India
Date: 2015
- From Tianxia to Westphalia: The Evolving Chinese Conception of Sovereignty and World Order
In: America, China, and the Struggle for World Order: Ideas, Traditions, Historical Legacies, and Global Visions [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2015
- The Hukou (Household Registration) System
In: Oxford Bibliography in Chinese Studies
Date: March 2014
- 户籍制度的變遷及其引發的衝突與爭端
In: (中國社會 Chinese society [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2013
- Resisting, Reducing, and Replacing: China’s Strategy and Policy towards the United States
In: China's Domestic Politics and Foreign Policies, and Major Countries’ Strategies on China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: December 2012
- China: Rural Migration
In: The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration
Date: 2011
- Reformed Migration Control and New Targeted People
In: Contemporary China Studies [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2011
- China's Evolving Institutional Exclusion: The Hukou System and Its Transformation
In: The Institutional Dynamics of China’s Great Transformation [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2010
- Conflict, Resistance, and the Reform of the Hukou System
In: Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2010
- Reformed Migration Control and New Targeted People
In: Contemporary China Studies – Politics [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2010
- Renovating the Great Floodgate: The Reform of China's Hukou System
In: One Country, Two Societies: Rural-Urban Inequality in Contemporary China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2010
- 命运攸关的制度长城将何去何从?(What to do about thecrucial institutional great wall?),
In: 大国突围
Date: 2010
- Household Registrations (hukou) System
In: Encyclopedia of Modern China
Date: 2009
- Looking East: China's Policy Toward the Korean Peninsula"
In: Engagement with North Korea: A Viable Alternative [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2009
- China and U.S.: A Pivotal but Uncertain Relationship”
In: Understanding Contemporary China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2008
- Brewing Tensions while Maintaining Stabilities: The Dual Role of the Hukou System inContemporary China
In: Discontented Miracle: Growth, Conflict, and Institutional Adaptations in China [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2007
- Stratification and Institutional Exclusion in China and India: AdministrativeIdentification versus Social Barriers
In: Grass-roots Democracy in India and China: The Right to Participate [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2007
- Stability with Uncertainties: U.S.-China Relations and the Korean Peninsula
In: The United States and the Korean Peninsula in the 21st Century [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2006
- Balancing the Cross-Pacific Exchange: American Study-Abroad Programs in the PRC
In: Bridging Minds Across the Pacific: U.S.-China Educational Exchanges
Date: March 2005
- Beijing's Incentive Structure: The Pursuit of Preservation, Prosperity, and Power
In: China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2005
- Introduction: The Making of China’s Foreign Policy
In: China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2005
- China's Hukou System
In: Encyclopedia of Chinese Civilization
Date: 2004
- Urbanization with Chinese Characteristics: The Hukou System and Its Role of MigrationControl
In: Urbanization in China: Theory, Evidence, and Policy [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2003
- 中華悲劇:海峽兩岸即將到來的民族主義大衝突 (Chinesetragedy: the coming clash of nationalism in the Taiwan Strait)
In: 民族主義與兩岸關係
Date: 2001
- China’s Strategic Intentions and Demands
In: Reform, Legitimacy and Dilemmas: China’s Politics and Society [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2000
- 行进在公平与效率之间:中国的分散劳动力市场群探析 (Between Equity and Efficiency: On the Segmented Community-Based Labor Markets inChina),
In: 中国劳动力市场与就业问题
Date: 2000
- Introduction: Toward an Understanding of China's Worldview
In: China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy [Peer Reviewed]
Date: February 1999
- Self Image and Strategic Intentions: National Confidence and Political Insecurity
In: China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy [Peer Reviewed]
Date: February 1999
- Labor Issues and Foreign Direct Investment in the PRC
In: The Managerial Process and Impact of Foreign Investment in Greater China, Vol. 6 of Advances in Chinese Industrial Studies [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1999
- Chinese Security Policy in Northeast Asia
In: The Major Powers of Northeast Asia: Seeking Peace and Security [Peer Reviewed]
Date: July 1996
- Chinese Perception of the U.S.-ROK Alliance
In: The U.S.-ROK Alliance in Transition [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1996
- 土地,勞工與台灣發展經驗 (Land, Labor and the Taiwanese experience of development)
In: 再看台灣:政治,社會,經濟與兩岸關係
Date: 1996
- From Tianxia to Westphalia: The Evolving Chinese Conception of Sovereignty and World Order
- Household Registrations (hukou) System,
- “Government and Politics in East Asia”
- Numerous policy reports on U.S.-China relations, Chinese political economy, and Chinese foreign policy for various research institutions in the U.S., Singapore, Japan, and China
Working Papers
- Chinese Labor Market in the Late 1990s
Date: 1997
Other Publications
- China and the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Significant Challenges and Profound Opportunities
In: Al Jazeera
Date: January 2016
- The China Dream: A Rejoinder
In: The Asan Forum
Date: September 2013
- Can Obama build trust with China's next leader?
Date: February 2012
- Contributions
In: Understanding International Relations: The Value of Alternative Lenses
Date: 1994
- Contributions
In: 美国证券市场 (A Handbook of the American Securities Market)
Date: 1987