Justin B. Biddle

Associate Professor, Director of Philosophy Minor

Member Of:
  • School of Public Policy
Office Location: DM Smith 316


Personal Pronouns:

Justin B. Biddle is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interests are interdisciplinary in nature, drawing on fields such as philosophy of science, technology, and medicine; ethics of emerging technologies, and science and technology policy. Conceptually, his research explores the relationships between three sets of issues: (1) the role of values in science, technology, and medicine; (2) the epistemic implications of the social organization of research, and (3) ethics and policy. He is currently exploring these relationships in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. He has also worked in the areas of biomedical research and agricultural biotechnology. He received a MA and PhD in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Notre Dame and was later a Distinguished Fellow at the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study. Prior to arriving at Georgia Tech, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Philosophy at Bielefeld University in Germany.

  • M.A. and Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, History and Philosophy of Science
  • B.A., University of Dayton, Philosophy
  • B.S., University of Dayton, Physics
Awards and
  • Distinguished Fellow at the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (Spring 2014)
Areas of
  • Bioethics
  • Ethics Of Artificial Intelligence
  • Ethics Of Emerging Technologies
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Philosophy Of Science, Technology, And Medicine


Research Fields:
  • Digital Media
  • Ethics and Philosophy of Science and Technology
  • History of Technology/Engineering and Society
  • Science and Technology Studies
  • Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy
  • Studies Abroad
  • Wicked Problems
  • Gender
  • Health
  • Inequality and Social Justice
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Bioethics, Bioscience, Biotechnology
  • Emerging Technologies - Innovation
  • Ethical Practices in Contemporary Contexts
  • Framing
  • Human/Machine Interaction
  • Inequality and Poverty
  • Inequality, Inequity, and Social Justice
  • Innovation
  • Perspectives on technology
  • Philosophy
  • Privacy
  • Problem-Based Learning
  • Science and Technology
  • Surveillance
  • Sustainability
  • Technology
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Technology Management and Policy
  • Uncertainty and Decision Making
  • Wicked Problems


  • PHIL-2010: Intro Philosophy
  • PHIL-3103: Modern Philosophy
  • PHIL-3113: Logic& Critical Thinking
  • PHIL-3115: Philosophy of Science
  • PHIL-3127: Sci, Tech & Human Values
  • PHIL-3140: Philosophy of Food
  • PHIL-4699: Undergraduate Research
  • PHIL-4803: Special Topics
  • PST-3103: Modern Phil
  • PST-3115: Philosophy of Science
  • PST-4174: Perspectives-Sci & Tech
  • PST-4803: Special Topics
  • PUBP-4803: Special Topics
  • PUBP-6010: Ethic,Epistem&Public Pol
  • PUBP-8803: Special Topics in S&T Policy


Recent Publications

Journal Articles


Working Papers

  • Applications and Societal Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: A Systematic Review
    In: arXiv
    Date: July 2023

    This paper undertakes a systematic review of relevant extant literature to consider the potential societal implications of the growth of AI in manufacturing. We analyze the extensive range of AI applications in this domain, such as interfirm logistics coordination, firm procurement management, predictive maintenance, and shop-floor monitoring and control of processes, machinery, and workers. Additionally, we explore the uncertain societal implications of industrial AI, including its impact on the workforce, job upskilling and deskilling, cybersecurity vulnerability, and environmental consequences. After building a typology of AI applications in manufacturing, we highlight the diverse possibilities for AI's implementation at different scales and application types. We discuss the importance of considering AI's implications both for individual firms and for society at large, encompassing economic prosperity, equity, environmental health, and community safety and security. The study finds that there is a predominantly optimistic outlook in prior literature regarding AI's impact on firms, but that there is substantial debate and contention about adverse effects and the nature of AI's societal implications. The paper draws analogies to historical cases and other examples to provide a contextual perspective on potential societal effects of industrial AI. Ultimately, beneficial integration of AI in manufacturing will depend on the choices and priorities of various stakeholders, including firms and their managers and owners, technology developers, civil society organizations, and governments. A broad and balanced awareness of opportunities and risks among stakeholders is vital not only for successful and safe technical implementation but also to construct a socially beneficial and sustainable future for manufacturing in the age of AI.

    View All Details about Applications and Societal Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: A Systematic Review

All Publications

Journal Articles



Working Papers

  • Applications and Societal Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: A Systematic Review
    In: arXiv
    Date: July 2023

    This paper undertakes a systematic review of relevant extant literature to consider the potential societal implications of the growth of AI in manufacturing. We analyze the extensive range of AI applications in this domain, such as interfirm logistics coordination, firm procurement management, predictive maintenance, and shop-floor monitoring and control of processes, machinery, and workers. Additionally, we explore the uncertain societal implications of industrial AI, including its impact on the workforce, job upskilling and deskilling, cybersecurity vulnerability, and environmental consequences. After building a typology of AI applications in manufacturing, we highlight the diverse possibilities for AI's implementation at different scales and application types. We discuss the importance of considering AI's implications both for individual firms and for society at large, encompassing economic prosperity, equity, environmental health, and community safety and security. The study finds that there is a predominantly optimistic outlook in prior literature regarding AI's impact on firms, but that there is substantial debate and contention about adverse effects and the nature of AI's societal implications. The paper draws analogies to historical cases and other examples to provide a contextual perspective on potential societal effects of industrial AI. Ultimately, beneficial integration of AI in manufacturing will depend on the choices and priorities of various stakeholders, including firms and their managers and owners, technology developers, civil society organizations, and governments. A broad and balanced awareness of opportunities and risks among stakeholders is vital not only for successful and safe technical implementation but also to construct a socially beneficial and sustainable future for manufacturing in the age of AI.

    View All Details about Applications and Societal Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: A Systematic Review

  • Adversarial Systems and the Privatization of Biomedical Research: An Epistemic Evaluation

Other Publications