
A  B  C  D  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z 

  • Paul Alonso

    Title: Associate Professor of Spanish

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 217

  • Daniel Amsterdam

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building G18

  • Brian An

    Title: Assistant Professor, Director of MSPP Program, Co-Director of Center for Urban Research

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Omar Isaac Asensio

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 317

  • Philip Auslander

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 365

  • Keung Yoon Bae

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 310

  • Richard Barke

    Title: Associate Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith G07

  • Willie Belton

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 238

  • Tibor Besedes

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 319

  • Michael Best

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 124

  • Justin B. Biddle

    Title: Associate Professor, Director of Philosophy Minor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 316

  • Laura Bier

    Title: Associate Professor of History

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building 106

  • Heidi Biggs

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Vicki Birchfield

    Title: Professor and Co-Director for the Center for European and Transatlantic Studies

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Jay Bolter

    Title: Professor and Director of Computational Media

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 317

  • Mariel Borowitz

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 318

  • StĂ©phanie Boulard

    Title: Director of French Program, Professor of French

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 225

  • Kirk Bowman

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 145

  • Ashley Bradford

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Rich Computing Center (257)

  • Peter Brecke

    Title: Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 215

  • Dylan Brewer

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: 224 Old CE Building

  • Andre Brock

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Kate Pride Brown

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE 135

  • Marilyn A. Brown

    Title: Regents' Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 312

  • Lindsey Rose Bullinger

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 309

  • Justin Burkett

    Title: Associate Professor, Interim Director of Doctoral Programs

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Victoria Chang

    Title: Professor, Director of the Poetry@Tech Program, and Margaret T. and Henry C. Bourne Chair

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 029, Poetry@Tech

  • Bhumika Chauhan

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Osvaldo Cleger

    Title: Associate Professor of Spanish

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 214

  • Carol Colatrella

    Title: Professor & Co-Director, WST Center

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 364

  • Kelly Comfort

    Title: Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor of Spanish

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 224

  • Nora Cottille-Foley

    Title: Associate Professor of French

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 215

  • T. Hugh Crawford

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Helen Anne Curry

    Title: Kranzberg Professor and Director of Graduate Studies

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: G120

  • Daniel Dench

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Shatakshee Dhongde

    Title: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 221

  • Gaurav Doshi

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 210

  • Mikulas Fabry

    Title: Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 152

  • Stefan Faridani

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Nihad M. Farooq

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 358

  • Douglas Flamming

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building 118

  • Paul Foster

    Title: Chinese Program Director, Associate Professor of Chinese

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 311

  • Mary Frank Fox

    Title: Dean's Distinguished Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 307B

  • Alberto Fuentes

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 316

  • Carla Gerona

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building G19

  • Lelia Glass

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Stuart Goldberg

    Title: Professor of Russian

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 318

  • Robert Gonzalez

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Seymour E. Goodman

    Title: Regents Professor and Professor of International Affairs and Computing

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 302

  • Michelle Graff

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Tony Harding

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Bobby Harris

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: OCE 205

  • Narin Hassan

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 363

  • Christopher Hayter

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Diana Hicks

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Rich 219

  • R Lincoln Hines

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Michael Hoffmann

    Title: H. Bruce McEver Professor in Engineering and the Liberal Arts

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith G04

  • Noura Howell

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Danny R. Hughes

    Title: Adjunct Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Allen Hyde

    Title: Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old Civil Engineering 136

  • Melissa Ianetta

    Title: Class of 1958 Professor in Communication and Executive Director of Writing and Communication

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Christophe Ippolito

    Title: Professor of French

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 226

  • Andrea Jonsson

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Hyoun-A Joo

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 212

  • Jenna Jordan

    Title: Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Faculty Athletics Representative

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 153

  • Jenny Jun

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Britta Kallin

    Title: Associate Chair, Director of German Program, Associate Professor of German

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Manho Kang

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Dina Khapaeva

    Title: Director of Russian Program, Professor of Russian

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Natalie Khazaal

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann

  • Masato Kikuchi

    Title: Associate Professor of Japanese

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 315

  • Yongtaek Kim

    Title: Associate Professor of Korean

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone: 404-385-5972

    Office Location: Swann 309

  • Gordon Kingsley

    Title: Professor, Director of Graduate Studies

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith G05A

  • Robert Kirkman

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 301

  • Hans Klein

    Title: Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Rich 309b

  • Mikhail Klimenko

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 320

  • Yeqing Kong

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles Classroom Building

  • Margaret E. Kosal

    Title: Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 303

  • Cheryl Leggon

    Title: Retired Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith G03

  • Blake Leland

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 322

  • Aaron Levine

    Title: Associate Dean for Research and Outreach, Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Rich 221

  • Haizheng Li

    Title: Interim Chair, Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 218

  • Dalton Lin

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 219

  • Jason Lindo

    Title: Interim Associate Chair, Mary S. and Richard B. Inman, Jr. Professor of Economics

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Jon Lindsay

    Title: Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Jin Liu

    Title: Associate Professor of Chinese

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 312

  • Lu Liu

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Kimya Loder

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: OCE G07A

  • Yanni Loukissas

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 318A

  • Hanchao Lu

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building 122

  • John Lyon

    Title: School Chair, Charles Smithgall Jr. Institute Chair, and Professor of German

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Brian Magerko

    Title: Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Digital Media

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 319

  • Alan Marco

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 320

  • Kyoko Masuda

    Title: Director of Japanese Program, Professor of Japanese & Linguistics

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 316

  • Daniel Matisoff

    Title: Professor, Director of MSEEM Program

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 308

  • Mary G. McDonald

    Title: Professor, Homer C. Rice Chair in Sports and Society; ADVANCE Professor, Ivan Allen College

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building 123

  • Kristi McKim

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Cici McNamara

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Todd Michney

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old Civil Engineering G24

  • Cecilia Montes-Alcalá

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 223

  • Susana Morris

    Title: Associate Professor and Associate Chair

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 342

  • David Muchlinski

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 147

  • Milton L Mueller

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 302

  • Sanyu Mulira

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Janet Murray

    Title: Distinguished Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 320A

  • Usha Nair-Reichert

    Title: Associate Professor and Director of Master's Programs

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 206

  • Michael Nitsche

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 316B

  • Matthew Oliver

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 223

  • Harry Oppenheimer

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Annika Orich

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 231

  • Willie Pearson

    Title: Regents Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building 119

  • Georgia Persons

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 209

  • Mayra Pineda Torres

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Carly Potz-Nielsen

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Amit Prasad

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old Civil Engineering Building, 116

  • Sherie Randolph

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Christine Ries

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 323

  • Kelly Ritter

    Title: School Chair, Professor of Writing and Communication

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Juan Rodriguez

    Title: Associate Professor of Spanish

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 313

  • Juan Rogers

    Title: Professor and Associate Chair

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 311

  • Miguel Rosas Buendia

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 321

  • Robert Rosenberger

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 315

  • Maxwell Rosenthal

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE 219

  • Lawrence Rubin

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 149

  • Michael Salomone

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 153

  • Aaron Santesso

    Title: Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Eric Schatzberg

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building 124

  • Ryan Scheiding

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Carol Senf

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 335B

  • Olga Shemyakina

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 322

  • Jennifer Singh

    Title: Associate Chair and Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building

  • Allegra Smith

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Johnny Smith

    Title: Julius C. "Bud" Shaw Professor of Sports History

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building G21

  • Brigitte Stepanov

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Adam N. Stulberg

    Title: Sam Nunn School Chair and Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 203

  • Cassidy R. Sugimoto

    Title: School Chair, Tom and Marie Patton Chair, and Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 107B

  • Laura Taylor

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 208

  • Mark Zachary Taylor

    Title: Associate Professor, Co-Director of GTDC Program

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 310

  • Anjali Thomas

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Valerie Thomas

    Title: Anderson Interface Chair of Natural Systems

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Groseclose 415

  • Victoria Thompson

    Title: Professor and School Chair

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • John Tone

    Title: Professor of History, School of History and Sociology

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: 117 Old CE

  • Richard Utz

    Title: Interim Dean, Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles

  • Germán Vergara

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building G20

  • John Walsh

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 201

  • Philip Fei-Ling Wang

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 215

  • Qi Wang

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Katja Weber

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 148

  • Amanda Weiss

    Title: Director of Graduate Studies, Associate Professor of Japanese

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 314

  • Rachel Whitlark

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 218

  • Casey Wichman

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Joycelyn Wilson

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Bill Winders

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building 137

  • Richmond Wong

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 3rd Floor, Digital Media

  • Robert Wood

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Brian Woodall

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 146

  • Hongchen Wu

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Karen Yan

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE 217

  • Lisa Yaszek

    Title: Regents Professor of Science Fiction Studies

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Ida Yoshinaga

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Alasdair Young

    Title: Interim Associate Dean for Faculty Development, Professor and Neal Family Chair

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 212B

  • Yaqi "Sam" Yuan

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Micah Ziegler

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Ford ES&T 2228

  • Calvin Zimmermann

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: