A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z 

  • Ahmed Ahmed

    Title: Visiting Lecturer

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 233

  • Paul Alonso

    Title: Associate Professor of Spanish

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 217

  • Daniel Amsterdam

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building G18

  • Brian An

    Title: Assistant Professor, Director of MSPP Program, Co-Director of Center for Urban Research

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Omar Isaac Asensio

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 317

  • Sybrina Atwaters

    Title: Director, OMED: Educational Services

    Office Phone: 404.894.8746

    Office Location: Chapin Building

  • Philip Auslander

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 365

  • Keung Yoon Bae

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 310

  • Richard Barke

    Title: Associate Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith G07

  • Dawn Michelle Baunach

    Title: Associate Vice Provost, GEFD

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: A French 112A

  • Ronald Bayor

    Title: Professor Emeritus

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building 217

  • Muchin Bazan Ruiz

    Title: Postdoctoral Fellow

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Rich Building 131

  • Rachel Behrmann

    Title: Lecturer

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Willie Belton

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 238

  • Roberta Berry

    Title: Associate Professor & Director - GT Honors Program

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Armstrong 005

  • Tibor Besedes

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 319

  • Michael Best

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 124

  • Mario Bianchini

    Title: Lecturer

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old Civil Engineering Building, 221 Bobby Dodd Way

  • Justin B. Biddle

    Title: Associate Professor, Director of Philosophy Minor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 316

  • Laura Bier

    Title: Associate Professor of History

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building 106

  • Heidi Biggs

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Vicki Birchfield

    Title: Professor and Co-Director for the Center for European and Transatlantic Studies

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Michael Bivona

    Title: Ph.D. Student, Lecturer

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Jay Bolter

    Title: Professor and Director of Computational Media

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 317

  • Jason Borenstein

    Title: Director of Graduate Research Ethics Programs

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 214

  • Jeffrey Borowitz

    Title: Lecturer

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 143

  • Mariel Borowitz

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 318

  • Thomas Boston

    Title: Professor Emeritus

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 150

  • StĂ©phanie Boulard

    Title: Director of French Program, Professor of French

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 225

  • Kirk Bowman

    Title: Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 145

  • Joe Frank Bozeman

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Office Phone: 937-462-0778

    Office Location: Coda, E1654B

  • Ashley Bradford

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Rich Computing Center (257)

  • Peter Brecke

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 215

  • General Philip Breedlove

    Title: Distinguished Professor of the Practice and CETS Senior Fellow

    Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Dylan Brewer

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: 224 Old CE Building

  • Andre Brock

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Justin Brown

    Title: Affiliate-Instruct/Counseling

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Kate Pride Brown

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE 135

  • Marilyn A. Brown

    Title: Regents' Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 312

  • Katherine Brune

    Title: Lecturer

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Stephanie Bryan

    Title: Postdoctoral Fellow

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Kemal Budak

    Title: Lecturer

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Lindsey Rose Bullinger

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 309

  • Justin Burkett

    Title: Associate Professor, Interim Director of Doctoral Programs

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Rebecca Burnett

    Title: Professor Emerita

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Whitney Buser

    Title: Director of Master's Programs, Associate Director of Academic Programs

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Andrew Buskell

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Sergio Caltagirone

    Title: Professor of the Practice

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Rich Computing 308

  • Antonio Cardentey

    Title: Lecturer of Spanish

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 233

  • Joseph Carr

    Title: Lecturer

    Home Unit: School of Public Policy

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Seung-Eun Chang

    Title: Senior Lecturer of Korean

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Victoria Chang

    Title: Professor, Director of the Poetry@Tech Program, and Margaret T. and Henry C. Bourne Chair

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 029, Poetry@Tech

  • Bhumika Chauhan

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Valeriya Chekalina

    Title: Lecturer of Russian

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 332

  • Osvaldo Cleger

    Title: Associate Professor of Spanish

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 214

  • Dori Coblentz

    Title: Lecturer of Technical Communication

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 307

  • Carol Colatrella

    Title: Professor & Co-Director, WST Center

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 364

  • Kelly Comfort

    Title: Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor of Spanish

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 224

  • Bettina Cothran

    Title: Professor Emerita of German

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Nora Cottille-Foley

    Title: Associate Professor of French

    Home Unit: School of Modern Languages

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 215

  • Susan Cozzens

    Title: Professor Emerita

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Off campus

  • T. Hugh Crawford

    Title: Associate Professor

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Helen Anne Curry

    Title: Kranzberg Professor and Director of Graduate Studies

    Home Unit: School of History and Sociology

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: G120

  • Amy D'Unger

    Title: Interim Director and Associate Director, GT Honors Program

    Office Phone: 404.385.7533

    Office Location: Honors Program, Eighth Street Apartments West, Room 007

  • Angela Dalle Vacche

    Title: Professor Emerita

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 344

  • Rachel Dean-Ruzicka

    Title: Senior Lecturer

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles Classroom Building

  • Daniel Dench

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Travis Denton

    Title: Academic Professional and Associate Director of Poetry @ Tech

    Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Deven Desai

    Title: Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Scheller 4164

  • Shatakshee Dhongde

    Title: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Professor

    Home Unit: School of Economics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 221